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MARRIAGE ON SAND a Trailer for the Ugandan movie coming up @KAMPWOODENTERTAINMENT

MARRIAGE ON SAND a Trailer for the Ugandan movie coming up @KAMPWOODENTERTAINMENT

< 00:02:57 > |

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MARRIAGE ON SAND” is a family story whose love affair shifts to a sandy ground where it is nearly cast away. The story follows up an affair where Ray (LUBEGA... Read more

Category: Romantic Movies...

MARRIAGE ON SAND” is a family story whose love affair shifts to a sandy ground where it is nearly cast away. The story follows up an affair where Ray (LUBEGA IDRIS) mistreats his wife LiZ (JACKIE ) castigating her of infertility. He does lots of nasty things her which tempts her falling into a relationship and by the time he realizes to reconcile himself to appreciate her, it was almost too late only to be saved by her change of heart.

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