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Samantha Episode 6 Promo

Samantha Episode 6 Promo

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Samantha Episode 5 [Jacob Ayagala Sente zebawola Nancha era atumye Samantha Abanje Nankya Sente zabwe. Nankya Yakowa Love mufere akude Mukiibi amukwaanide ebbanga asobole okusasula Samantha] SAMANTHA is An African... Read more

Category: Comedy Movies, Movies from 2021, Romantic Movies...

Samantha Episode 5 [Jacob Ayagala Sente zebawola Nancha era atumye Samantha Abanje Nankya Sente zabwe. Nankya Yakowa Love mufere akude Mukiibi amukwaanide ebbanga asobole okusasula Samantha] SAMANTHA is An African family Drama Movie that takes you through a life of a Romantic Couple Jacob and Samantha and how life turns on this family when Jacob ipregnanted a side Girlfriend that later wanted him to make her official. Samantha Story also takes you through a life of a Brilliant lady Nankya who goes through life waiting on when is the right time to get married so her fellows thnk she is aging and need a man immediately. The Movie Is written and Directed by Coca Enock Katumba one of Ugandas Best film Makers from NANDI MOVIE ACADEMY. Who made movies like "Musaayi Muto", "NDAGIRE", MELLON, BEST FRIENDS, TEARS OF LOVE, DILLEMMA, KADAAMA and many more. SAMANTHA Movie is Produced by NAKYANZI PROMISE DAISY one of the Best Drama and love Actresses in Uganda at The momment. and Executively Produced by Promise Movies for busnes contuct us on 0709546380 thank You. #SamanthaEpisode5Promo #SamanthaUgandanMovie #PromiseMovies Samantha Episode 1 [Jackson Afunisiza Esther Olubuto, Samantha Takyategeera Jackson Waliwo ekitali kituufu, Nankya ayagala Samantha amuwole yo 600,000 Shs alina ebizibu] If You enjoy Ugandan Movies like - Akalyamagwa - Akalyamagwa Episode -Ekyekango -Ekyekango Episode -TAMARA MY WIFE -TAMARA MY WIFE EPISODE Thanks You for supporting The Best YouTube Channels In Uganda like *PROMISE MOVIES *TRUST FILMS *NDAGIRE SARAH *Aromatic Entertainment *Coca Enock Official THE BEST UGANDAN MOVIE NEW UGANDAN MOVIES 2021 SEPTEMBER 2021 YOUTUBE LUGANDA WEB SERIES LUGANDA DRAMA Thanks For Watching Ugandan Actors like -Coca Enock Official -Promise Daisy Nakyanzi -Flowrence Nampija -Diana Nampija -Ahmed Lubowa LEONIC SEASON 2 EPISODE 1

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