Nicki Minaj , Ice Spice #nickiminaj #icespice #AQUA
Nicki Minaj , Ice Spice #nickiminaj #icespice #AQUA
< 00:01:28 > |
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In this Video, an Actor Mimes a song called Barbie World By Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj ( With AQUA ) While In improvised costumes and makeup , mixed with Video Clips of... Read more
In this Video, an Actor Mimes a song called Barbie World By Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj ( With AQUA ) While In improvised costumes and makeup , mixed with Video Clips of Her Comedy colleagues and Funny Pets
There is no person or Pet that is or that was emotionally and physically Injured while making this challenge video because all these were done under professional supervisors.
This video is also not intended to cause violence, harming pets , controversy or self harm but rather to entertain.
Barbie World - Song By Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj Official Video , NICK MINAJ, NICK MINAJ SONGS, ICE SPICE , ICE SPICE NICK MINAJ, NICKI MINAJ ICE SPICE, BARBIE WORLD NICKI MINAJ ICE SPICE, NICKI MINAJ AND ICE SPICE WITH AQUA, Barbie girl remix, Barbie girl nicki minaj , i'm a Barbie girl in a barbie world, barbie girl barbie girl , barbie girl lyrics, barbie girl dance, im a barbie girl , i'm a barbie girl in the barbie world, i am barbie girl, am a Barbie girl' song, barbie girl karaoke, i'm a barbie girl song, ice spice nicki minaj barbie girl , Barbie girl song, barbie girl, i'm a barbie girl, aqua barbie girl, i am a barbie girl, barbie girl video, i am a Barbie girl song, barbie girl aqua
#nickiminaj #icespice #aqua